
While I don't follow a diet per-say, I do have certain eating habits that I have made a lifestyle instead. Much easier to maintain and fall back into. 

My generic goal is to have a caloric deficit each day while still intaking the amount of required protein to promote strength gains.

Supplements: These are what I take daily

Fish oil

Green Tea extract



BCAAs(Pre and post workout)


I plan to follow a loose eating habit.

Yes i do plan to still drink alcohol although i may consciously try to limit the amount for most days. 

eating properly is important but you are not required to give up your enjoyments to lose weight/get in shape. 

Moderation is the key and that is my plan. My vices include drinking and fast/bar food here and there.

Example daily food intake for lifting days.

5 eggs/toast/avacado/tomato

3 protein shakes

turkey spagetti with veggi pasta

salmon or steak with rice and veggies

NOTE* This puts my calorie count at around 2300. And leaves enough buffer that I can have drinks or even more to eat and still maintain a deficit. I normally will add small snacks if i feel over wiped from my workout or course of the day.